Credit for Prior Learning

We recognize the skills and knowledge you have gained outside the college or university classroom.

Bemidji State University knows that knowledge doesn’t come just from reading a textbook or taking a class. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is a way for you, as an adult learner, to connect what you’ve learned in the workplace or community with academic credit and make it count toward a degree.

If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you are a good candidate for CPL!

  • Have I ever been a member of the United States Armed Forces or Uniformed Services?
  • Do I have an industry-recognized certification, or have I completed non-credit courses such as workplace training?
  • Have I had at least 3 to 5 years of experience in my field or subject area?
  • Do I have extensive volunteer or community involvement that uses my professional skills?
  • Am I multi-lingual, or do I have life and/or work experiences in other countries?

Visit MyCPL to get started.

You will log in with your Star ID and MyCPL will walk you through the process of earning credit for prior learning.

Bemidji State University follows the Minnesota State policy regarding assessment of prior learning for academic credit. The purpose of this policy is to provide students with opportunities to demonstrate university-level learning gained in non-credit or experiential settings.

View the current Minnesota State CPL policy

Admitted students can apply for credit for prior learning
A student who has been fully admitted to Bemidji State University may request credit in the following situations:

Standardized and External (non-BSU) Exams

Standardized proficiency examinations are recognized by many BSU departments and include:

No course may be repeated or grade raised by such an examination. Standardized exam credit transfer requires an official transcript from the testing authority in most cases. See our Sending Transcripts page for more information.

Special or Internal Course Exam (for a specific BSU class)

Degree-seeking BSU students may choose to “test out” of taking a class, for a subject in which you already have a high level of skill or knowledge. Requests to take a special, comprehensive examination must be made to the course instructor. No grade may be raised or course repeated by such an examination. Consult with the course instructor and/or faculty advisor to see whether a special exam is offered. Not every department offers special test-out exams. Nominal fees for preparing and evaluating exams, and awarding credits apply. Use the Special Exam Request form to start the process.

Evaluated Prior Learning (portfolio review)

Prior non-college and experiential learning may be the result of a variety of life experiences, such as continuing education, work experience, or individual study. University credit is not awarded on the basis of prior/work experience alone, but for the achievement of documented college-level knowledge and/or skill.

The methods of determining either recognition or university credit are predicated on prior learning that is considered to be at a university level. Each department determines the criteria, if any, which if satisfied, will result in the awarding of university credit. The departments have the prerogative of determining which courses, if any, may be evaluated for non-college or experiential learning. Not all courses have an equivalent non-college or experiential learning counterpart. *Note: Some BSU departments do not evaluate prior learning requests, but will consider standardized tests (CLEP, etc) and course test-outs for required major course substitution. Check with the department chairperson in your major.

Options for Veterans

BSU’s Veteran’s Assistance Center is the place to begin if you have learning experiences from your service to our country. The Resources page will help you get started.